Bay Area German Shepherd Rescue

Bay Area German Shepherd Rescue

We love German Shepherd Dogs for all the same reasons you are looking here today. They are loyal, intelligent and beautiful animals and it breaks our hearts to think of them suffering or dying in shelters.

We are a 100% volunteer organization funded by donations from people just like you. Our team is made up of dog lovers who give up their time to find loving forever homes for our dogs. The team has fostered and saved over one thousand German Shepherd Dogs!

Most of our dogs come from shelters where they have been abandoned. Some come from owners who, no longer able to care for them, give their dog to us to find a loving forever home. The good news is that we encounter few dogs that have been abused or seriously mistreated.

Each dog that comes into our program is carefully evaluated and then placed into a foster home. No boarding kennels for our dogs! We passionately believe that by living with our dogs we can learn more about them. Once we have spent some time getting to know each dog, we make the dog available for adoption.

When you apply to adopt one of our dogs you will go through an adoption pro cess where we learn more about you, your experience and your lifestyle. Our goal is to offer you a service wherein you find your perfect dog!

Many of our adopters decide to volunteer and help more of the dogs. It’s a rewarding activity (no matter how big or small your role) that you know helps the dogs as well. Some prefer to donate. Every $ we receive goes for the dogs.

© 2024
Website by Brandhound