September 22 – 24, 2017
$275 includes 2 nights in a cabin and all meals, from Saturday breakfast through Sunday breakfast.
A benefit dinner for the Trinity County Animal Shelter will be held that Friday night, and you’re of course welcome to buy tickets and attend.
Dogs are allowed everywhere in the resort, including the general store and restaurant. There will be doggy activities sponsored by Cathy Leavitt of K9 Sport Dynamics & K9 Rat Pack, Barn Hunt Introduction, workshops and fun runs, free K9 Gladiator introduction, K9 Gladiator Boot Camp and one mile course. No experience needed.
There is something for everyone, activities and games at every level, from sitting relaxing to running wild with your dog.
Payment in full is required to hold your space and cabin for 2017. Cash or check accepted. Register today!
Questions? Contact AK9RatPack@gmail.com