A place to let Lucy loose on the Pacific Crest Trail

By: DogTrekker Staff
A dirt path winds uphill through a grassy meadow dotted with wildflowers. Tall evergreen trees stand on both sides of the trail. A sign on the left reads "Pacific Crest Trail - National Scenic Trail." The sky is partly cloudy, ideal for a hike with Lucy.
Pacific Crest Trail Marker and Trail Leading Uphill

The rugged Carson Pass area is one of Northern California’s premier alpine hiking regions in summer and a popular back-country skiing area in winter. The Pacific Crest Trail is the main artery here. Many trails branch off into the Meiss Country Roadless Area on the north side of 88 and the Mokulemne Wildernessto the south.

We at DogTrekker just got our paws on some great insider information from one of the El Dorado Forest Rangers about an off leash area of the Pacific Crest Trail you can let Rover run leash free! Dennis manages the Carson Pass Station and this is his report:

The Carson Pass Management Area is only about a five mile area but within it dogs must be physically leashed (no electric collars). However, just across the highway from the station is unlimited, awesome off leash hiking on the PCT north towards Meiss Meadow and Lake Tahoe.”

The Carson Pass Information Station is located at 4760 Chaparral Dr, Placerville CA., at the summit on Highway 88.  A day-use fee is charged for parking in the lot there or a larger lot and equestrian staging area across the road. If you find yourself there anytime June through September, stop in and say hi, and let them know DogTrekker sent you.


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