About take your dog to work day

By: DogTrekker Staff

Pet Sitters International, (PSI), an educational association for professional canine caretakers, launched the first Take Your Dog to Work Day promotion in 1999. The purpose: to celebrate the canine-human bond and, perhaps, entice dogless co-workers to adopt a four-legged companion. The idea caught on, with thousands of companies, some registered, some not, participating in TYDTWD 2012.

“It’s a fun summer Friday at your workplace but also for an important cause,” says PSI spokeswoman Beth Stultz. “Even those who don’t have a year-round pet can enjoy it.”

Need to convince your skeptical boss? It might help to cite a study by Virginia Commonwealth University showing that dog owners who brought their pets to work had lower stress levels throughout the day than co-workers who left their pets at home or didn’t own one. A 2006 survey by the American Pet Products Association found other benefits: People with pets in the office are more likely to work longer days and have lower absenteeism.


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