Bet on Bodega Bay

By: DogTrekker Staff
Dogs playing in Bodega Bay

Follow the Pacific coast through Sonoma County and you’ll find plenty of gorgeous scenery to share with your best friend. Bodega Bay makes an ideal hub for discovering the region’s many attributes. Bed down at a dog-friendly property such as Bodega Coast Inn & Suites, Sonoma Coast Villa & Spa, Bay Hill Mansion B&B or Bodega Bay RV Park and prepare to get sandy, as you’ll likely be exploring nearby beaches and coastal trails.

Dog on bench in Bodega Bay
RV Camping in Bodega Bay. Photo:Lisa Frischeisen

Enjoy good bird watching along the 1.9-mile Bird Walk Coastal Access Trail, which follows a levee around two ponds in a 14-acre revitalized saltwater marsh area. It connects to Doran Regional Park, a sandy, 120-acre spit that forms the northern border of Bodega Bay and features a 2-mile beach where leashed dogs are welcome to accompany you on an invigorating walk. Or, choose the Pinnacle Gulch Coastal Access Trail, which leads to spectacular coastal views and can be hiked as a 1.9-mile loop with the Shorttail Gulch Coastal Access Trail.

Where to eat once back in town? The Dog House is a logical choice if you’re in burger or sausage mode. For fish or chowder settle into an outdoor table at Fishetarian Fish Market, where the crab sandwiches, in season, are to die for.

Entertainment note: A great way to spend an evening chilling with your best friend is to watch Alfred Hitchcock’s 1963 suspense thriller “The Birds,” which was filmed here. Next day, pick up a guide at the Sonoma Coast Visitor Center and check out some of the landmarks that appeared in the film.


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