Calaveras County

Calaveras County became known in 1800s for its rich gold deposits—and for a certain jumping frog memorialized in a short story by Mark Twain. Today, it’s a destination for Gold Rush tourists, campers, skiers, hikers and adventure seekers, many of whom wouldn’t think of heading into “them ‘thar hills” without their dogs. Angel’s Camp on Highway 49 and Murphys ?on nearby Highway 4 are the principal destinations in these parts. Read more.

Do more along Highway 4

It’s a little off the beaten track, but Highway 4, which climbs into the Sierra through Calaveras and Alpine counties, is a magical place to visit in wintertime. The surrounding national forests offer plenty of places to break your own trail in the snow or take advantage of groomed forest roads.

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Gotta lake it

Summertime and the livin’ is easy…as long as you’re on a lake. Heading up to Gold Country, you’ll find lots of places to dip your paws no matter which road you take. Here are some of our favorite splash spots in the Sierra foothills. Read more.

Gold country getaways

Kennedy Meadows in Sonora. Rachael Moore (CC) On Highway 49 you’ll find a string of Gold Rush-era towns delightfully uncrowded at this time of year. While Sutter Creek and Jackson are well known bed-and-breakfast havens, DogTrekkers in search of cottage accommodations will strike gold with private vacation rentals such as the family-friendly Sutter Creek Cottage, situated right on Sutter Creek and just two blocks from Main Street’s half-mile-long strip of antiques stores, boutiques, tasting rooms and restaurants, many of them dog friendly. Read more.



Splash! Everybody in the water!

Lakes and Rivers

Water dog heaven!

Canoeing Rafting Boats

Pay no attention to the dog behind the table

Food and Wine

Don't eat the flowers please

Hiking Parks Gardens

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Maya and Kayla

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