Fort Funston, San Francisco

• Fort Funston, San Francisco. This stretch of rugged headlands just south of Ocean Beach in the southwest part of the city is not fenced, but it’s nirvana for off-leash dogs and woofing with canine activity even on drizzly, foggy days. Read more.

Family Dog Rescue 2018

San Francisco's Family Dog Rescue's guiding philosophy is "We believe that when you adopt a dog, a family is created" — and they exist to help create and sustain those families. From their new headquarters in the Bayview, Family Dog offers a safe haven to dogs in need — puppies, adults, mixed breeds, purebreds, and dogs with disabilities — whether they're stuck in shelters, wandering the streets, or rescued from abusive situations. Funded entirely by donors, Family Dog provides necessary medical care and supportive foster homes, allowing each dog to reveal his or her true personality — and the kind of family they're meant to be part of. Read more.



Splash! Everybody in the water!

Lakes and Rivers

Water dog heaven!

Canoeing Rafting Boats

Pay no attention to the dog behind the table

Food and Wine

Don't eat the flowers please

Hiking Parks Gardens

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Maya and Kayla

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Website by Brandhound