Copper’s dream

By: DogTrekker Staff

As a teen growing up in Cupertino, Jennifer Wang volunteered at a local shelter, only to be horrified at the number of cute, healthy animals who never made it out alive. As a student at Stanford, she founded the Stanford Animal Action Group, which raised funds for no-kill shelters in the area. After graduating from Harvard Law School, she wanted to do more, so she joined forces with her younger sister Samantha to found Copper's Dream Rescue, named after her beloved childhood pet, a cocker spaniel who delighted the family with his antics.

Thanks to a team of fosters and volunteers, not to mention a lot of community support from local veterinarians, in just a few years Copper's Dream has been able to rescue over 500 dogs from high-kill shelters around California, and place them in loving homes through its adoption events around the Bay Area (the next one's August 25th in Berkeley). A recent rescue, currently being fostered in the East Bay, is cute shepherd mix puppy Hutch; see him and the other adoptables here.

"One day, we believe Copper's Dream will be realized, and euthanasia in this nation will only be used in those cases where it is truly serving to give a humane end to an animal that would otherwise suffer a painful death," Jennifer Wang says. "Until then, Copper's rebelliousness and energy will serve as constant inspiration for those of us at Copper's Dream to fight on to achieve his vision."

Photo: Hutch — Copper's Dream


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