Huntington Park

Huntington Park

Huntington Park, located in San Francisco’s prestigious Nob Hill neighborhood, offers a charming urban retreat for people and their dogs. Though officially requiring dogs to be on a leash, it’s common to see many dogs freely enjoying the space, particularly the smaller breeds that frequent this park. The park provides a welcoming environment to gather, with plenty of shade and seating areas where one can relax while their furry friends play.

The park’s proximity to iconic San Francisco landmarks like Grace Cathedral and the historic hotels of Nob Hill, including dog-friendly Fairmont San Francisco, adds to its appeal, making it a picturesque spot for both locals and tourists​.

Fun facts: Huntington Park’s main fountain is a replica of an Italian fountain that is known as the Fontana delle Tartarughe (Fountain of the Turtles).The park has appeared in a number of Hollywood movies, including Freebie and the Bean, (1974), A Christmas Without Snow (1980), More Tales of the City (1998), Night of Henna (2005), The Sweetest Thing (2002), and Woman on Top (2000).