Tahoe Meadows South is four miles round trip. This trail is always open to hikers and equestrians. Bikers are allowed on this section of trail on even numbered days only (i.e. July 2nd).
This hike starts at the Tahoe Meadows trailhead, which is on the south side of Highway 431 (the Mt. Rose highway), just a .25 mile west of the summit.
From the trailhead, the route takes you through the lush Tahoe Meadows where in mid-July you can see a wide array of wildflowers.
After .75 of a mile, you cross over Ophir Creek, a charming year-round stream. Soon the scent of pungent pine replaces the fragrance of meadow wildflowers as you head into a lodgepole forest.Ophir Creek, a charming year-round stream. Soon the scent of pungent pine replaces the fragrance of meadow wildflowers as you head into a lodgepole forest.
Joining the Ophir Creek Trail, you will turn left (south) and go about 0.2 miles till the trail opens up upon the meadow again. Breaking away from the Ophir Creek Trail, the Tahoe Rim Trail turns to the right and goes gently uphill.Ophir Creek Trail, you will turn left (south) and go about 0.2 miles till the trail opens up upon the meadow again. Breaking away from the Ophir Creek Trail, the Tahoe Rim Trail turns to the right and goes gently uphill.
Following a short 250 ft climb you are rewarded with majestic views of Lake Tahoe. For the next mile you will head south along the sandy contours of the western slope of the ridge. This subalpine forest with its majestic firs, stout pines, and nodding hemlocks is quite open and exposed. You may continue in this direction for as long as you like. However, remember that whenever you hike in one direction you must hike in reverse to get to your car.