Drink up the scenery

By: DogTrekker Staff

Lake Lagunitas

The Marin Municipal Water District, responsible for the preservation of 20,000 acres of pristine watershed land on Mount Tamalpais, celebrates its 100th anniversary this year, giving you something to think about as you and Rex stretch your legs on the district's 130 miles of trails and dirt roads. Your four-legged friend will have to stay leashed and away from streams and reservoirs, so be sure to carry enough liquids for both of you to lap up along the way.

DogTrekker's 'Research Lab' Kayla, is very familiar with the five MMWD reservoirs on Mount Tam's northeast flank, and with the many trails around them, ranging from easy to strenuous. One of her favorites (her uprights call it the Triple-Lake) begins at beautiful Phoenix Lake just outside the town of Ross. The Phoenix Lake Trail skirts the lake and meets up with the Fish Grade Trail, which leads uphill (follow the signs for Lake Lagunitas) to Bon Tempe Lake.   Once arrived, you can take an easy, two-mile hike around the perimeter or head up a short distance to Lake Lagunitas, home of dozens of turtles and gorgeous views. Guaranteed you'll meet plenty of other dog walkers on these trails who can steer you straight if you get temporarily lost in the woods. 


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