Mushroom dangers – even in the off season

mushrooms in forest
Photo by Pascal Debrunner.

The last week of May, a dog ate a dried Death Cap mushroom at the trailhead of a UC Berkeley trail on the edge of Strawberry Canyon.

What’s shocking about this event is that it happened well past ‘mushroom season,’ when dog walkers in this area are much more aware because mushrooms are everywhere.… Read the rest

Fireworks can send dogs running


Did you know that more pets run away on the Fourth of July than on any other day of the year? The bright lights and explosions of the fireworks can cause considerable stress to dogs.

Here are some tips to keep your pet safe and at ease on Independence Day:
Keep your pets indoors.… Read the rest

Winterizing your dog

Two adventurous individuals and their thrill-seeking DogTrekker, donned in protective goggles, strike a pose for a selfie against the backdrop of an enchanting snowy mountain landscape. - Dogtrekker
Winter fun in the snow.

Your vehicle isn’t the only thing that needs winterizing before you head up to snow country: your dog needs preventative maintenance, too! Some tips:

Always wash or wipe Lucy’s feet after a winter’s outing. She’ll otherwise try licking them clean, a natural behavior that could cause her to ingest toxic de-icers used on roads and parking lots.… Read the rest

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