Designed to inspire dog-friendly California fun, this competition offers 12 great prizes. A $500 grand prize honors the photo earning the highest number of votes. Another $500 grand prize-winner gets chosen by the DogTrekker team. Five $100 runner-up prizes also go to entrants in both categories.
You and your friends can vote for your favorite photos through September 30, 2024. And if you haven’t entered, there’s still time! Document your dog safely enjoying California’s beaches, lakes, parks and trails. Then, submit your best pictures for a chance to win.
Please note, we’ve outlined a few rules. You’re welcome to enter photos taken in past years, but images must have been captured in California or on Lake Tahoe’s eastern shore. You can enter as many photos as you’d like, but one person can submit only one photo per day. The entrant must be the person who took the photo. Sorry, no photos using AI will be accepted.
We’re excited to see you and your pup exploring sunny, scenic California. Submit your Go California Photo Contest entries – and vote for your favorites – today!