Halloween safety tips for pets

By: DogTrekker Staff
Jazzy dog in dragon costume.
Jazzy the magic dragon. Photo by Mary Enderle.

Halloween dog costumes can be fun—if you consider them from your dog’s point of view.

We all love this time of year. Cooler weather, pumpkin treats, and pets in adorable costumes. While some pets love the excitement this season brings, others might be a little intimidated by their humans new found energy. We wanted to share a few tips from our friends at Sage Veterinary Centers and the Humane Society to make this spooky season a little easier on our furry family members. 

1. Halloween hype causes pet stress
When going out trick-or-treating, leave your dog at home. Dogs can be easily excited by the Halloween commotion, and a bite or a lost dog will quickly end the evening’s fun.

2. Halloween candy—a treat for you, a trick for your pet(s)

Keep candy safely stashed in a high cabinet secured with a lock or child-safety latch. Many foods, such as chocolate, gum, and xylitol (a sweetener used in many foods) are hazardous to pets.

3. Steer your pets away from dangerous Halloween decorations
Create pet-friendly holiday décor. Make your cat a haunted house out of cardboard boxes or put treats and toys in a paper bag (remove any handles first as cats can get stuck) for a feline version of trick-or-treat.

4. Be cautious with pet Halloween costumes
Keep an eye on your costumed pet to make sure the costume is comfortable and allows your pet to move freely. Also be sure to remove any chewable parts or objects that could come off and choke your pet.

5. Protect your pets from outdoor dangers

Make sure that all your pets are wearing tags with current IDs and that their microchip is registered with your most up-to-date information. Opening the door repeatedly for trick-or-treaters creates plenty of opportunities for a pet to slip outside

Happy Haunting!  


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