Nine miles. Four to six hours. Countless tail wags, big smiles. A float or paddle on a secluded section of the Russian River is a DogTrekker must-do for visitors to Sonoma County. With your water-crazy dog aboard in a custom-made SOAR, inflatable canoe from Russian River Adventures, you’ll explore a section of the river downstream from Healdsburg and linger at swimming holes and beaches along the way. Boats are limited this year, so book soon.
A bonus: Healdsburg and neighboring Guerneville (pronounced Gurn-ville) are among Northern California’s most dog-friendly towns, offering many options for dining, wine tasting and exploring with your pet. Check Russian River Getaways for vacation rental options in the region and listings for family-friendly campgrounds on or within easy striking distance of the river.
Hitch a ride with this dog-friendly river outfitter
DogTrekker Staff