Muttville’s Fospice program shares the love

By: DogTrekker Staff
Senior rescue dog Sid

At Muttville Senior Dog Rescue, they sometimes take in elderly pooches who, for one reason or another, have a short life expectancy. Maybe an ultimately terminal medical condition, or maybe just reaching the twilight stage after many years. Often, though, these canine elders are having a perfectly fine time right now, and are looking for a bit more fun, adventure, and/or snuggles before they leave us.

Muttville founder and recent Top 10 CNN Hero Sherri Franklin thought those dogs deserved a safe and happy landing too, and launched Muttville’s Fospice (Foster/Hospice) Program, driven by the belief that their days may be few but they might as well be great. Muttville covers palliative vet care and other expenses; fosters bring the love.

Franklin says, “When we started the Fospice program, we didn’t expect too much interest from people who’d take a terminal dog home, but we get about two to three new fospice applications a week now! What I hear from these big-hearted people is how rewarding it is to give an older animal a happy last chapter.


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