Orvis contest supports canine cancer research

By: DogTrekker Staff
Black lab with tongue out wearing red collar
Photo by Darya Skorokhod.

We all know dogs aren’t just pets, they’re family. So when canine cancer claims a victim, the whole family suffers. One in four dogs will battle this disease in their lifetime, with half of them dying long before their time. In response, The Orvis Company announced that Orvis customers have raised over a million dollars for canine cancer research through the Orvis Cover Dog Photo Contest. All funds raised have benefited Morris Animal Foundation’s efforts to prevent, treat and cure the disease.

For the past five years the Orvis Company has been inviting its customers to submit pictures of the family pooch to be considered for inclusion on the cover of the Orvis catalog. Customers then can vote on the picture they believe should be on the cover. Every vote costs a dollar and every penny goes to Morris Animal Foundation.

Smiling Dog
Happy Lab. Photo by Orvis Co.

The impact of the contest is substantial. Eleven major colleges of veterinary medicine are conducting canine cancer studies funded by Morris Animal Foundation. Through Orvis’ support, the Foundation was able to develop:
·  A multi-college program designed to train scientists
·  A more reliable test for predicting the spread of cancer
·  A potential new treatment option for tumors that would improve the quality and length of life of companion animals
·  Technology that will improve management of brain tumor cases and replace invasive tissue sampling in the brain and elsewhere in the body 

You can watch “Million Dollar Dogs: The Inspiring Story Behind The Orvis Cover Dog Contest” at www.orvis.com.


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