Protect Marin County’s parks & open spaces – yes on a

By: DogTrekker Staff
Marin Open Space trail sign

Measure A’s quarter-cent sales tax supports parks, open space, and agricultural lands across Marin. These funds can’t be used for any other purpose. The existing Measure A has not only supported Marin County Parks facilities and programs but also become an important funding resource for city and town parks and family farms that contribute to Marin’s food supply. 

In 2012, supported Parks Measure A and voters approved a one-quarter of one percent sales tax (County Ordinance 3586) to support parks, open space, and agricultural lands across Marin. This is a Measure A Extension that we need to say YES to.

Here is more information on the Measure A Extension and a look at all of the projects that the original Measure A funded. Vote yes and continue to enjoy our incredible park system with your pup. 

Here’s a look at the Marin County dog-friendly parks and open spaces that Measure A benefits.


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