What to do when your dog gets skunked

By: DogTrekker Staff
Skunk and baby skunk on lawn with apples

As a dog guardian chances are you have given more then a passing thought to skunks and the possibility that Fido might come in close enough contact to trigger that odorous defense mechanism. Never fear we have your tips on how to get rid of that potent skunked smell.

First, whatever you use, make sure to saturate the heck out of the chest and face of your dog. That said, do not get whatever you use in your dog’s eyes. 

There are several options. Tomato juice really does work. However, the current favorite mode of de-skunking is the following recipe:

  • One quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide  
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • one tablespoon of Dawn dish soap

Mix it all together and saturate your dog. Saturating the sprayed area is key. Let it sit for ten minutes and then rinse well with cool water. Repeat if necessary. Keep the mixture out of your dog’s eyes.

If your dog has sensitive skin, you might be better off using a product such as Skunk Off!. It comes in a soap and then also a pretreatment spray.

Unfortunately, nothing really seems to totally get the skunk stink out, but the above options will really cut the stink down. And do not forget to wear rubber dish gloves when applying the de-skunk juice you choose; you don’t want the stink to stick to you too.


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