Sycamore Valley Regional Open Space Regional Preserve, part of the dog-friendly East Bay Regional Park District, occupies two major ridges located within a region of rolling hills and valleys south of Mt. Diablo.
Elevations range from about 600 to 1,000 feet.
The Sherburne Hills Unit is almost entirely grassland, and the Short Ridge Unit is mostly grassland with scattered oak savanna with trees consisting of valley oak, coast live oak, and buckeye.
This habitat supports gopher snakes, racers, Northern Pacific rattlesnakes, acorn woodpeckers, scrub jays, black-tailed titmouse, Western bluebirds, Northern orioles, lazuli buntings, and loggerhead shrikes (which also occur in the southern unit).
The mature woodlands of the northern unit support nesting red-tailed hawks and great-horned owls, and provide cover for California quail, wild turkeys, and gray fox.
Please close all gates to keep the cattle where they belong. Report any trails issues to the Parks Department.
- Dogs welcome. (No fee)
- Free parking.
- Hours of operation: Open between 5 a.m. and 10 p.m. unless otherwise posted or permitted.
- Please help to keep the park beautiful, by picking up after your dogs