Lakes Basin Ridge Trail

Lakes Basin Ridge Trail

Once you get up on this ridge, you'll experience little elevation change on this 12-mile trail with stellar views of the entire Lakes Basin area.  Hiking even a few miles of the Ridge Trail and coming back is worth the effort, as the views look very different in each direction. Many options (including beautiful Deer Lake) are possible with a two-vehicle shuttle. 

Getting there: From Highway 49 between five miles east of Sierra City, turn north onto Gold Lake Highway at Bassetts Station. Turn left at Sardine Lake Road (1.4 miles) and, after a short distance, cross the Salmon Creek Bridge.  Continue .3 miles and turn right onto Packer Lake Road. Continue 2.5 miles, following signs for the Pacific Crest Trail,  to the trailhead and parking area at Packsaddle camping area. .