The Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park 5,271-acre open space is centered on an oak-covered ridge overlooking Pleasanton and the Livermore Valley from the west.
It is planned as the core of a Ridgelands Regional Park to be acquired over a period of many years. Parkland development has been intentionally limited to preserve the pastoral atmosphere.
To the northwest, the park land spills down off Pleasanton Ridge into upper Kilkare Canyon, where it continues up onto Sunol Ridge, finally terminating at its westernmost corner in Stoneybrook Canyon.
Inside the park, elevations exceed 1,600 feet. From the main staging area on Foothill Road, you can access a trail system accommodating hikers, equestrians and bicyclists, and providing canyon views and ridge-top vistas.
Enjoy great views of the Sunol, Pleasanton, and Livermore valleys from along the along the Ridgeline Trail.
On hotter days, a stroll along the Sinbad Creek Trail offers a nice alternative to the open ridges.
Dog Policy: As in most East Bay Regional Park District lands, dogs must be leashed in developed areas but may accompany you leash-free if under voice control in remote areas. Please collar your dog when near horses, and always pick up after your pet.
Getting there: From Interstate 680 in Pleasanton, exit at Castlewood Drive and go west. Turn left (south) onto Foothill Road, towards the town of Sunol. The Foothill Staging Area is about two miles from Castlewood Drive, on the right. The Tyler Ranch Staging Area is located at the southwest terminus of Foothill Road.