Happy Holidays! and top destination stories of 2023, part 1
As this year comes to a close, our greatest joy comes from expressing gratitude for the DogTrekker family. As we wish you this season's warmest greetings, we're also happy to share some of our top 2023 travel stories.
Read more.Top destination stories of 2023
As this year comes to a close, our greatest joy comes from expressing gratitude for the DogTrekker family. Your engagement
Read more.Was Calistoga really founded by a dog?
San Francisco’s Emperor Norton had his dogs Bummer and Lazarus. Calistoga’s Sam Brannan had Leonitus. Archive photo.
Favorite California campgrounds for dog lovers
New discoveries are nice, but so are places to which you and your four-legged buddy return time after time. Here are a few of our paw-tested California campgrounds for dogs.
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