Season of Giving: Support animal welfare organizations in California

As the season of giving unfolds, the DogTrekker team turns our hearts and pocketbooks towards those rescue/adoption organizations that make lives more joyful and meaningful – especially the lives of our loyal canine companions. Throughout California, numerous animal welfare groups tirelessly work to ensure that every dog experiences the love and care they deserve. Read more.

Make it a family affair in Marin County

Photo by Marin Country Mart.

Marin County it’s been said, has a larger population of dogs than of children. Whether that’s urban legend or fact, residents are definitely known to dote on their four-legged family members.

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Jessica’s haven

Back in 2008, serendipity struck when Laura Cottingham and Laura Hislop took over a dog kennel in San Rafael—and Hislop's daughter Jessica, who had some disabilities, didn't care that much for people, but loved animals, was in heaven. The dogs loved her right back, and Jessica's Haven & Rescue was born as a place for kids and adults with disabilities to spend quality time with dogs, most of whom need a bit of extra nurturing (like puppies or shy dogs) or medical attention before they find their families. It's good for the dogs, who get to soak up the love, and it's good for special-needs folks, who also get to soak up the love, and learn responsibility for themselves and others too. Read more.

Spaying or neutering your dog

By Bill Barboni, DVM and Chris Pitts, RVT, Marin Pet Hospital, San Rafael, CA There are a lot of reasons that we recommend you spay or neuter your dog. Some reasons have to do with your dog's behavior. Other reasons have to do with your dog's health. Read more.



Splash! Everybody in the water!

Lakes and Rivers

Water dog heaven!

Canoeing Rafting Boats

Pay no attention to the dog behind the table

Food and Wine

Don't eat the flowers please

Hiking Parks Gardens

Our barketing department

Maya and Kayla

All the news that fits!


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