Lime Ridge Open Space

Lime Ridge Open Space

Lime Ridge Open Space, with trailheads and parking in both Concord and Walnut Creek, is located on the eastern edge of Walnut Creek on a dominant ridge leading to Mount Diablo. Lime Ridge includes 25 miles of trails within over 1,200 acres of pristine open space. 

Extensive plantings of native oaks, grasses, and wildflowers will restore natural oak/savanna grassland, increasing the diversity and abundance of wildlife. Portions of Lime Ridge are within the city of Concord and managed by the city of Walnut Creek.

Yes, dogs are allowed in this open space, with leash rules that vary depending on which section you are hiking. In the North Lime Ridge area, north of Ygnacio, dogs must be under positive voice and sight command or leashed at all times. Since cattle graze in this area, dogs chasing cattle can be a serious issue. There has been some negative dog vs. coyote encounters when dogs stray close to dens as well.

No dogs are allowed at any time in the center section of Lime Ridge south of Ygnacio. This is the Lime Ridge Wildlife Preserve area. South of the Preserve, dogs are allowed once again but on leash only.