Traveling with your dog

By: DogTrekker Staff
dog and guy on bike

Many pets travel by car each year and some enjoy it tremendously. To prevent your dog from jumping out a window, or being seriously injured in the event of a car accident, restrain your dog with a doggie car seat or keep it safely in a dog crate.

Animals that become stressed easily may also need to see a veterinarian prior to travel to decide how their stress can be alleviated. Depending on the length of the trip and the destination, a health certificate may also be required for travel. This should be researched far in advance.

A final important note about traveling by car is to consider your dog’s needs. If it is warm out, make sure your pet has access to water, and never leave your dog unattended in a car. Temperatures, even with the windows cracked open, can rise to lethal levels. Even on cloudy days, the temperature inside a car can be surprisingly hot.

If you travel for a long period of time, make sure to stop to allow your pet time to stretch its legs and relieve itself. Under vaccinated and immune compromised animals should avoid rest stop potty areas because many dogs congregate there and the risk of infectious disease exposure is higher. Consider micro-chipping your pet. When traveling, animals have a higher risk of escaping and without a microchip the chance for a reunion is greatly diminished.



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