Wednesday woofable: fun time dog shop

By: DogTrekker Staff
Fun time dog shop logo

Sometimes your dog just needs a few of the basics. Maybe a new bed, a dog bowl or a toy. Sure, you could easily just go by a pet store or you could check out Fun Time Dog Shop. What's super awesome, besides their selection, about this online dog (and cat) store is that all of the proceeds go to helping shelters across the country!

You heard me right, all of the after cost profits from the products purchased at Fun Time Dog Shop is donated to their featured non-profit dog rescue groups & dog related non-profit organizations. As you know is always trying to help the rescue groups so when we stumbled upon this site, which does just that, we were smitten. Not to mention the selection is pretty awesome too. The way it works is super easy. Peruse the site, it's broken down into different activities, and add the items Fido must have to your cart. When you check out choose from the list of rescues for the one you would like your donation to go to. It's that simple.

Jump to the Fun Time Dog Shop now and get shopping, after all, it's for a good cause!


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