Paw-friendly ‘must see’ Redding attractions

Whatever your plans, you’ll want to start with a lingering visit to the Sundial Bridge, a pedestrian span over the Sacramento River designed by renowned Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. Its 214-foot, angled iron pylon serves as a gnomon, making it the world’s largest sundial. The bridge is a thing of grace and beauty that’s been pulling cars off the highway since it opened in 2004. Dog-friendly trails hug the river on both sides, and parking is free and plentiful. Read more.

Take a spring hike around Redding

Photo by Choose Redding.
Redding calls itself California’s Trail Capital, and for good reason: about 100 miles of dog-friendly trails, both paved and natural-surface, have been developed in and around the city through private and public partnerships. Spring is a particularly nice time to take in the views from the Upper Sacramento Ditch Trail, which traces the route of a historic waterworks that once supplied miners’ sluice boxes. Three bridges along the northern part of the path span gorges that gush with waterfalls in springtime and offer arresting views of Shasta Lake and Keswick Reservoir at any time of year. Never heard of Keswick Reservoir? This river-like body of water stretching nine miles downstream from Shasta Dam is the iconic lake’s frigid, turquoise-blue afterbay. The recently paved and very scenic Sacramento River Rail Trail follows a historic railroad alignment for almost 11 miles along its western shore, offering views aplenty, multiple points of entry and ample opportunity to branch off onto dirt paths leading into the rugged hills. Read more.

Sheraton Redding hotel at the Sundial Bridge

Location, location, location…The long-awaited 130-room Sheraton Redding Hotel at the Sundial Bridge sits right next to Redding’s landmark attraction, the Sundial Bridge, a pedestrian span across the Sacramento River. Four-legged guests are welcomed with all manner of treats, from water and food bowls in the rooms to specialized crates, bedding, collars and leashes on request. Read more.

Rush on up to Redding

Lace up your hiking boots, load Lucy into the car and get a grip on your leash: you’ll need it when you see how excited she’ll become upon encountering a multitude of new sights and smells in dog-friendly Redding, your gateway to the eight-county Shasta Cascade region. On a clear day, the 13,162-foot, snow-covered cone of Mount Shasta fills the windshield during the 2.5-hour drive up Interstate 5 from Sacramento. It’s a looming landmark and constant reminder that you’re leaving the Central Valley behind and entering the rugged landscapes of the Cascade range. Read more.



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