Open air dog-friendly activities perfect for social distancing

By now, we all know the drill: wash your hands, cover your face in public, maintain six feet of “social distancing” between yourself and anyone else who is not a member of your household “bubble.” So where does your dog fit in? Right by your side, as always! In Mendocino County, you’ll have access to many activities that let you have fun while still adhering to the guidelines. Here are a few suggestions. Read more.

Seaside waves and walks with your dog

Big River State Beach in Mendocino.
Whether your drive all or just some of intoxicating Highway 1 hugging the Mendocino County coast, you’re sure to find many places to pull over and get some sand between your and Buster’s toes. Go slow, stop often and be sure to check out these highlights. Read more.



Splash! Everybody in the water!

Lakes and Rivers

Water dog heaven!

Canoeing Rafting Boats

Pay no attention to the dog behind the table

Food and Wine

Don't eat the flowers please

Hiking Parks Gardens

Our barketing department

Maya and Kayla

All the news that fits!


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Where's my cookie, Doc?

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Lights, camera, treat!




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