Gold country treasure hunt

Are you one of those folks who enjoys taking selfies with your dog wherever you roam? Add some fun to your quest by participating in the Placer Wine Trail Photo Hunt, a contest taking place through December. The deal: Visit a member winery, find the “treasure” (it might be an artwork, an artifact or a physical feature of the property), take a selfie, post it on Instagram and be entered to win a $100 gift card. Read more.

Placer county

Hundreds of square miles of national forests and other public lands make Placer County a DogTrekker hotspot. Highway 49 runs south from Auburn, the county seat, to access 35,000-acre Auburn State Recreation Area hugging two forks of the American River. Hidden Falls Regional Park is delightful in fall even if the falls aren’t running, while at Cronan Ranch Regional Trails Park, you can hike to the river and watch the whitewater rafters go by. Read more.

Up the hill in placerville with your furry sidekick

Photo by @tbutcherskitchen.
The El Dorado County seat was named for the alluvial deposits that drew prospectors here during the Gold Rush. It’s nickname, “Hangtown,” relates to the lawlessness of the times. Today, however, it’s one of the most picturesque, bustling and dog-friendly of Gold Country towns. Read more.



Splash! Everybody in the water!

Lakes and Rivers

Water dog heaven!

Canoeing Rafting Boats

Pay no attention to the dog behind the table

Food and Wine

Don't eat the flowers please

Hiking Parks Gardens

Our barketing department

Maya and Kayla

All the news that fits!


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Lights, camera, treat!




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Website by Brandhound