Embark on a tail-wagging adventure as you explore dog-friendly trails. Remember to follow trail rules and Leave Only Paw Prints®.
Alamo Creek Park
Pena Adobe/Lagoon Valley Park
Alamo Creek Bikeway
Andrews Park
Beelard Park
Browns Valley Open Space
Browns Valley Park
Centennial Park
Corderos Park
Hume Grove Loop
Lagoon Valley Loop
Lagoon Valley Park Mtb Trail
Larsen Park
Nashe Mesto Park
Nelson Park
North Orchard Park
Padan Park
Patwin Park
Pena Adobe Hill
Pheasant Country Park
Rocky Hill Trail
Southside Bikeway
Southwood Park
Thylenanti Trail to Malaka Trail
Thylenanti Trail, Lagoon Tower Road and Jepson Loop Trail
Vineyard Trail behind Meritage Resort and Spa
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